by Michael Cox and E.H. Carr
Publisher | Springer Nature |
Language | English |
Book type | Paperback |
Utgiven | 2020-12-22 |
Edition | 1 |
Pages | 66 |
ISBN | 9781349960378 |
Kategori(er) |
Published in 1945, Nationalism and After was a best-selling classic in its own time which sparked intense debate when it first appeared and has continued to do so ever since. Authored in a moment of hope, E.H. Carr’s uncompromising critique of nationalism and plea for a more rational international order remains as relevant today as it did when it was first written. As the world is once again confronted by a rising tide of nationalism, Nationalism and After remains a beacon of hope in an era where reasoned critical analysis has never been more urgently required. It is here reissued in full with a new, definitive introduction by leading Carr scholar, Michael Cox.
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