
813 hits on stockholm university

Papers from the Third Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation Stockholm, May 11-12, 1985

Papers from the Third Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation Stockholm, May 11-12, 1985 | 1986

By Sven Jacobson


Papers from the Scandinavian symposium on syntactic variation Stockholm, May 18-19, 1979

Papers from the Scandinavian symposium on syntactic variation Stockholm, May 18-19, 1979 | 1980

By Sven Jacobson


Fosterbarnsindustri eller människokärlek : barn, familjer och utackorderingsbyrån i Stockholm 1890-1925

Fosterbarnsindustri eller människokärlek : barn, familjer och utackorderingsbyrån i Stockholm 1890-1925 | 2006

By Johanna Sköld


Stockholm Contributions In Geology, Vol. 42, Part 3

Stockholm Contributions In Geology, Vol. 42, Part 3 | 1992

By Per Bodén


Det gåtfulla folket barns villkor och uppfattningar av barnet i 1700-talets Stockholm

Det gåtfulla folket barns villkor och uppfattningar av barnet i 1700-talets Stockholm | 1997

By Susanna Hedenborg


Stockholm Contributions In Geology, Volume in honour of professor Ivar Hessland

Stockholm Contributions In Geology, Volume in honour of professor Ivar Hessland | 1982

By Tom Flodén


Forging a Medical University : the establishment of sweden´s Karolinska Institutet

Forging a Medical University : the establishment of sweden´s Karolinska Institutet | 2007

By Julius Rocca


Rätt eller fel? moraluppfattningar i Stockholm under medeltid och vasatid

Rätt eller fel? moraluppfattningar i Stockholm under medeltid och vasatid | 2003

By Niklas Ericsson


Stockholm Contributions in Geology, Vol. 43, Part 3 Volume 43, Part 3

Stockholm Contributions in Geology, Vol. 43, Part 3 Volume 43, Part 3 | 1995

By Erik Palmlöv


Le français parlé des médias : Actes du colloque de Stockholm 8-12 juin 2005

Le français parlé des médias : Actes du colloque de Stockholm 8-12 juin 2005 | 1st edition

Author's missing


Stockholm Contributions in Geology, Vol. 41 Volume 41

Stockholm Contributions in Geology, Vol. 41 Volume 41 | 1989

By Maurits Lidström


The Baltic countries 1900-1914 proceedings from the 9th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, Stockholm, June 3-6, 1987.

The Baltic countries 1900-1914 proceedings from the 9th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, Stockholm, June 3-6, 1987. | 1990

By Aleksander Loit



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